Services I provide

In contrast to multi-language vendors I am not a middleman but a service provider who is personally responsible for the work performed. I only deal with a single language pair and specific topics — but the client gets individual approach and faster turnaround time.

My fields of expertise

I specialize in IT (information technology):

  • Software for home and industrial use from home cinema firmware to server monitoring tools
  • Hardware and networks – from SOHO printers to blade servers and network attached storages
  • Telecommunications – from press-releases about putting a new trunk line into service to complex datasheets on managing a MAN
  • Web – social networks, e-commerce platforms and other building blocks of modern Internet.

Translation from English into Russian

I provide professional translation from English into Russian in the above fields. Examples of texts include software and hardware manuals, e-commerce systems, equipment datasheets and whitepapers, articles and reports on IT problems.

I am proficient with most industry-standard CAT software: TRADOS 2007 and 2009, Idiom 9, Alchemy Catalyst 9, Passolo 2011, ApSic Xbench 2.9. Please note this is not machine translation software!
You can review some feedback I receive for my work.

Software and Website Localization from English into Russian

Presenting a program or a website in another language requires much more than translation proper, and requires a different set of skills.

“The process of making a software product linguistically and culturally appropriate for use in a different country or region and its language is called localization.”

Localization Standards Industry Association
A professional localizer should be aware of code fragments that are often present in localizable resources and know how to handle them (see the translation samples below). Another common requirement is performing a length check of the translated strings to ensure they don't get trimmed or overlap with other labels. 
I know a bit of PHP and JavaScript as well as general principles of web design and software development that allow me to efficiently localize content for applications and websites.
I can provide a turnkey localization service (“you give me a piece of software – I deliver its localized version”) as well as take on any part of the localization process, for instance linguistic checking of software interfaces translated by another contractor.

Proofreading and Editing

What's the difference between editing and proofreading? In short, editing focuses on rendering the meaning correctly which involves terminology checks, stylistic and structure corrections, while proofreading focuses on the form of the text: checking spelling, punctuation and layout.

I charge both of these jobs by the hour.

Translation Samples

You can review some of my translations to assess their quality.


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